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  • How does my child join the club?
    If you're interested in joining, please email Jeremy, our Membership Secretary or speak to him on the club desk. His email address is He will liaise with our Head Coach to arrange for your child to have a couple of free trial sessions. They will assess your child to see which squad would be most suitable. Your child has the opportunity to see how they like it. Please note, there may be a waiting list to join at certain times of year. We'll let you know if this is the case and invite you for a trial as soon as places are available.
  • How much are fees and how do I pay?
    Fees depend on which squad your child is in. Please see our squads page for more details. You pay fees by monthly Standing Order. To set up a Standing Order, please use the following bank account details: < Bank name, account name, account number, sort code>
  • What are the session times?
    View 2019 session times
  • What equipment does my child need?
    As well as trunks or swimming costumes, your child will also need the following: A club swim hat, a pair of goggles, swim fins, a kick board float, a pull buoy, a training snorkel and a drinks bottle. Some squads also use hand paddles. A swim kit bag is pretty useful for all that gear. If in doubt, please ask a coach. Club swim hats can be purchased from the club desk (usually on a Monday and Thursday evening). Please note, there are no club costumes or trunks. If they take part in galas, a robie-style changing robe is very handy for changing and for staying warm between races. Please remind your child to look after their kit and not to leave it behind after a session.
  • How does my child move up a squad?
    This is usually decided by the Head Coach. It's not something that's rushed into as the Coach will take into account age and stamina levels as well as natural swimming ability. When the Head Coach thinks a child is ready, they will invite the child to attend a training session in the next group up and see how they get on. Please note, when your child is moved up a squad, the monthly fee will probably increase so you'll need to update your monthly standing order.
  • How do I know if my child can enter a gala?
    Gala entries are decided in one of two ways. 1. Coach selection This is when our coaches decide which swimmers will take part in a gala, for example the Diddy League. Invites will be sent to you directly. 2. Eligibility • Most galas will have some sort of eligibility guideline set • When our Club receives the qualifying details (times, age limits etc) from the gala organiser, our Competition Secretary produces an eligibility report • This report shows which Club swimmers are eligible to take part • If your child is eligible, you'll receive an invitation email asking if they want to take part • When you get this email, please accept or decline the invitation on Swim Club Manager, our online system • The Membership Secretary, Jeremy Cole, will provide you with a login and password for Swim Club Manager • If you feel your child is eligible but you don't get an invitation email, please get in touch. We'll do our best to resolve things! Top tip: Add to your email contacts so you don't miss any important messages
  • How do I find out about upcoming galas?
    See our upcoming events page here. Along with the gala listing, we aim to provide a link so you can download the entry pack (also called a meet pack). This pack, produced by the event organiser, has everything you need to know - including details of swimmer eligibility, qualifying times and sessions. Top tip: If your child is taking part in a gala (or planning to), take a few minutes to read the gala entry pack.
  • How do I know if my child has a qualifying time to enter a gala?
    If your child has entered our Club Championships or another ASA licenced gala, they should have a time listed on the Swim England website. Check your child's times here Enter either your family name or your child's Swim England membership number into the search box.
  • How does the Club communicate with parents and swimmers?
    We communicate with you in 4 different ways: 1. This website - check the home page, the news page and the events pageregularly for updates 2. The Club facebook page 3. The noticeboardat the pool when the club desk is open (usually Monday evenings) 4. Most importantly of all - emails! We send you emails via Swim Club Manager. Please ensure you're receiving these. If you're not, please email Jeremy (our Membership Secretary) immediately. His email is
  • How do I volunteer?
    If you'd like to help out in any way, please speak to Sam, our club secretary or any other member of the committee. We rely a lot on volunteers to keep the club running smoothly and help keep costs down. You don't have to make a big commitment to help out - and we'll try our best to make it fun!

Penzance Swimming

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